Open Mic Night Portland NSW

Open Mic Night Portland NSW

Get ready for an epic night of music, poetry, and laughter at Open Mic Night in Portland NSW—bring your talent and join the fun!

By Goats Can Eat Anything


Portland Golf Club

Wallerawang Road Entry at 33 Bell Street Portland, NSW 2847 Australia


6:00 PM - 9:30 PM

Open Mic Night Portland NSW

Goats Can Eat Anything

About this event

Open Mic Night Portland NSW

Join us for an amazing evening of music, comedy, and talent at the Portland Golf Club in Portland NSW, Australia. Whether you're a performer or just love to be entertained, this is the perfect event for you! Grab your friends and get ready for a night filled with laughter, applause, and unforgettable performances. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to showcase your skills or simply enjoy a night of local talent. Mark your calendars and be there!

Frequently asked questions

What time does the board go up?

The board goes up at 7pm and we typically get 10 acts listed pretty quickly.

Do I need to bring an amp?

If you have a favourite amp then bring it. Otherwise we supply all the gear you need.

Can I buy food there?

There is a Thai restaurant open from 6-7:30pm that also sells burgers etc

Is there a licensed bar there?


Organised by

We play music from the past, present and the future. Electric bass and two ukes. Two guys and a gal with remodelled songs from a broad range of styles and sources, and some originals thrown in. Fun, frivolity, and finger-picking - that’s us